About Empress JuCee

Originally from Antigua- she moved to the United States in 2002, where she lived for many years. While there, she developed an interest in Mental Health and a passion for physical fitness.

Later, moving back to Antigua, she became heavily influenced by Rastafarianism or a plant-based, spiritually rooted lifestyle. Her Uncle Georges became her senior mentor.

He helped her embark on her journey of deep spiritualism, the powers of Nature, and its healing properties. Throughout her life before this journey, she experienced ongoing medical ailments and was constantly told, "well, everything seems to be okay; just take this pill, and you should get better." But unfortunately, after years of being misdiagnosed and taking modern medicine, her symptoms did not improve.

Conversely, her medical issues began to dissipate after adapting her Uncle's lifestyle of a plant-based diet, herbal medicinal remedies, and meditation practices. This experience ignited her passion for Health and Wellness and for living a natural, plant-based lifestyle. As a result, Coco Juice launched in New York in 2020 and Antigua in 2021.

Coco Juice represents being wholly healthy, with an emphasis on living a free, JUICY lifestyle.

The mission of Coco Juice is to inspire its patrons to live the healthiest lifestyle, from a holistic perspective, encompassing the mind, body, and soul.